Meet Victoria

From Founder
I believe there is beauty in everything around us. My mission is to help you make something enthralling; Something you can look at later to remind yourself who you are and what you stand for. If you feel connected to my jewelry, you can understand what it is that I value. I value you- exploring your mind and embracing the wonderful aspects of who it is that you are. Welcome home.
Victoria Parodi
Our Story
Here and Now- Where We Begin

I have always been fascinated with the natural beauty the earth can provide for us. With Whimm, our goal is to harness that essence and inspire us in our designs. By crafting unique jewelry, we hope to capture what you identify with in all facets. The word “whim” reminds us that we are also beautiful things provided by the earth; Our desires and impulses are what break up the monotony and make life worth living.

We chose our name to embody that ideal in an elevated way. Our name WHIMM is an acronym for “welcome home inside my mind.” Here at Whimm, we start with the beauty of what a whim is, and turn it into what makes us who we are. 

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